
I love October, it is my favourite month of the year! Even though this week has been crappy weather-wise, and we here in New York are currently being hurricane season on, I still love October and there are 3 main reasons!

1. October is the first official month of fall. And as you all know fall is my favorite season. Crunchy leaves, pumpkins, Halloween, hoodies, leggings, I just love it.

2. October just happens to be my birth month, so naturally, that’s another reason why I love it. My birthday is next Thursday and I don’t really have any plans except to not have any plans if that makes sense. I usually take off my birthday as a gift to myself.


3. And the last reason I love October, and probably the most important, is because October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I have been very passionate about this cause since I had an Aunt and a Sister pass away from breast cancer. It is so important for the world to understand this disease and learn how it can be prevented. So, wear some pink this month in support!

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Author: gregg784

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