
Sir Godfrey Gregg

Hey family and welcome to another weekend wherever you are. Woke up in New York and it is raining. Looked outside and the place is wet from the overnight rain which I didn’t hear. Well, the plants need it very much to produce food and so the earth needs a bath also. My vehicle had a good shower which saves me $15.oo to spend on juices for the coming week.

During the past week, I made contact and spoken to a few people and though short in conversation they were warm and enlightening. I also made a few friends on Facebook and ride my page of quite a few.

Today I will stock up food for the remainder of the month and I mean food for healthy living. This will take some time since I have to read all labels to avoid foods that I am allergic to. FridayAugust 10, was a day I almost called 911 to go to the ER because I had an allergic reaction to food that I didn’t read the label and checked carefully. I had to look for a Benedryl (50mg) and luckily I had home and I was able to avoid a trip to the hospital. I may be switching to a fish, chicken and vegetable diet only.

I will have to make a choice to live longer and at least till I get back to my beautiful homeland St. Vincent and the Grenadines the Lord spares my life. I await that day to touch down at the AIA and who knows with a tear from the left eye.

Have a great and enjoyable day everyone.

If you are looking for a short stay in St. Vincent and the Grenadines we have the right place for you and that is SUNBURST APARTMENTS located in Arnos vale midway between the International Airport and the capital Kingstown City. 


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